
HABITS AND RITUALS: Tips for coping with working in the yet defined “new normal” during COVID-19 and its variants

As a result of COVID-19 and subsequent variants, our previous “normal way of life” has been
disrupted and forever changed. We will not be able to return to the way it was before the

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Surviving — Surviving to Thriving — Moving Forward

SURVIVING: To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere.


In this uncertain time, we all find ourselves in a situation we could never imagined would happen to our world not to...

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Managing Our Minds

What is our mind anyway?  As Dr. Joe Dispenza,  international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and educator,  states, “ Our mind is the brain in...

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Why we are technically grieving during this pandemic and how to handle it in a healthy and productive way

GRIEF: Keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss, sharp sorrow, painful regret.

Some symptoms of grief:


Deep sadness

All of a sudden crying for some unknown reason



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HABITS AND RITUALS: Tips for creating them in a new normal - working from home, social distancing, etc.)

As a result of COVID-19, our previous “normal way of life” has been disrupted and forever changed.  We will not be able to return to the way this was before the...

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