Why we are technically grieving during this pandemic and how to handle it in a healthy and productive way

working from home Oct 20, 2020

GRIEF: Keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss, sharp sorrow, painful regret.

Some symptoms of grief:


Deep sadness

All of a sudden crying for some unknown reason


Extreme tiredness

No ambition to do anything

Glued to the TV and can’t stop watching all that is happening in the world

Sleeping more than usual

Isolating from people

As I write this article, I think how much has changed since the beginning of this COVID-19 pandemic. I think we all thought it would be over shortly.

Now it has been weeks that we have been in “stay at home mode”. We have all closed the doors to our businesses, we are looking for and hoping to find ways to Survive.

We are looking back and wishing we could be where “NORMAL” was before  (“Grief Steps In”!)

We wish we had made better choices with our money so as to not have to worry about No income, business rent, personal rent/mortgages, credit card debt, utilities and groceries. We wish we had connected to our friends and family more. (“Grief Steps In”!)

In the middle of all of this, the virus is spreading rapidly and deaths  growing daily.  We are finding ourselves feeling so sad (grieving) for all those who have lost loved ones, both young and old. We have personally lost loved ones!  The fear of who will get it next is ever present!!  Will it be us or our family members?

(Fear turns into GRIEF!!)

YES, we are all grieving in some way or another and in our own ways.

We find ourselves, now preparing to go out. It’s called “Social Distancing”.  We, “Beauty Industry Folks” are NOT accustomed to this behavior.  We are so social, hugging and close to our customers that it is taking so much of ourselves to stay back 6’ when we do get to go out! (“Grief Steps In”!)

We wear our masks, gloves and act like we don’t know anyone. We are afraid to look anyone in the eye for fear of catching the virus, as if everyone has it and we might could catch it that way! (“Grief Steps In”!)

If we have kids, most likely we have longed for the opportunity to stay at home and parent them. Now, we have this time and find it isn’t easy to be present 100% of the time with them. (“Grief Steps In”!)

How do we handle this GRIEF?

Here are some suggestions:

Be aware that Grief exists for us all;

Get a Grateful Journal and write your gratefulls every day;

Do your best to stay in the present moment;

Listen to uplifting music and dance;

Exercise daily;

Watch funny movies (laughter is the best medicine);

Stay connected to friends and family via FaceTime, Zoom, Whatsapp,

messenger and phone calls daily; say “I LOVE YOU” often;

Rest, take short naps, go to bed at usual times and wake up at usual times;

Keep a schedule, a routine;

Get up, clean up, make up and dress up as if you are going to work;

Stand as much as you did at work, walk daily, lift weights or soup cans if you don’t have weights;

Wear the same shoes you did to work and practice your skills daily;

Keep your hands exercised; and

Stay connected to people in the industry.

How do we become innovators of our future for when we can open our doors again?

Hire a business coach to help you strategize new ways of doing business and support you in re-opening your business;

Re-organize your workspace, do something you always wanted to do;

Paint and deep clean;

Get new towels and robes;

Create new systems for your business, the ones that you might have been afraid to put in place before;

We are all looking forward to a “NEW NORMAL”!

From this uncertain place,  let’s get busy CREATING our new life!!

“When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change”……. Wayne Dyer


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