Discovery Call


Global Beauty Business Academy is proud to offer the following course to assist couples-owned

Businesses to communicate better and prosper together in their business!

This course is expertly designed to gain clarity through role definition, communication techniques and conflict resolution.

Access The Course Now!

We are Zan Ray & Tom Collins, Salon Business Coaches and Profit Increasing Experts. Whether you realize it or not, you have made a vital first step in your journey for growth and commitment to yourself and your business.

Money is something we all want more of, yet sometimes we can be so scared to talk about it. Most of us grew used to a society in which it’s “taboo” to discuss the topic of money, but the thing is, if we want our income numbers to grow, we have to give the subject some love and attention.

This course is designed to help you develop a true understanding of your business numbers and discusses strategic action steps you can be taken to see the increase in profits you truly desire. If you're ready to ditch the long hours, low wages, and embrace a better life, this course is for you!


  •  4 – (30-to-40-minute video modules) on the essentials in communication with your
    business partners
  • 6-month access to all content in the video modules
  • A live 60-minute action call – this is your chance to ask your questions and start
    bringing the course education to LIFE
  • Coaching through the videos from experienced business coaches that live this course
  • Access to an incredible private Facebook community with for support and inspiration
    from like minded legends
  • Access to a whole bunch of amazing resources, templates, and workbooks to keep
  • Bunches of tips, tricks, and strategies to expand your business relationships
  • Actionable learning that will get you results fast!
  • Plus exciting BONUS content (revealed each video!)

By the end of this course, you will:

  •  Have a clear written picture of your existing business structure as well as existing
    duties performed.
  • Have a well-organized family business structure with well-defined roles and
  • Have established clear role performance accountability based on the business
    organizational chart.
  • Have a procedure to air and resolve conflict among family business members
    And feel confident turning those enquiries into bookings

We’ll be covering:
How to

  • Identify your existing family business structure
  • Define a well-organized family business structure
  • Establish personal / professional accountability in each role within the family
  • Establish guidelines for the resolution of conflict among family business members
  • And bunches more!

So if you’re wanting to:

  • Develop an amazing business structure that totally allows you to communicate;
  • Gain clarity and certainty with well-defined accountability, roles and, responsibilities;
  • Confidently and collaboratively make sound business decisions; and
  • Resolve conflicts between business partners.

Then this is for you!

Access The Course Now!